Wednesday, December 31, 2008

sorry isn't the hardest word anymore

Photo by ~Egglet

Firstly, I want to apologies to a single soul that may be hurt because of my previous post. Yes, I am very sorry that I had to put the complicated moment to its end. Honestly I am not a person that really can face complexity very well. Especially things that are related to my feelings. Even though I tried to fool myself once, but it's seems like I got no power to stay strong and just be happy with it. Sorry that my decision is final. Sorry.

Sometimes I wish I could live in an understanding-free zone. I could roll around in pigshit ignorance not thinking about anybody else's feelings or circumstances or future or past. I could live my life at the same fluffy-duffy superficial level as everyone else, relieved of the compulsion to satisfy everyone.

But then, I realised, at the end of the day, I'm just playing human. As a person, I am sometime complicated. But that doesn't mean that I want to live in a complicated life.

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