Thursday, August 16, 2012

sebuah cerita yang asing

I just translated another famous Korean song to Bahasa Malaysia (BM). "The story only I didn't know" by IU. This is such a lovely song plus the music video is so sad. So let's hear this song first, learn the melody then sing it in BM. The BM title is "Sebuah cerita yang asing".

Piano Version

Sebuah Cerita yang Asing

Kau telah pun melupakan
Kau ukir senyuman bila berhadapan
Disaat itu kurasa kesakitan
Luka pedih yang meresap di jiwa

Namun airmata ku pendam
Kerna ini takdirnya tiada kata dua
Tiada tertulis bersama

Tiada cara mudah untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal
Jika ada,
Pasti segala akan kucuba
Ketika di saat ini
Segalanya telah berakhir
Sebuah cerita yang asing

Sebenarnya bukan cinta
Ia cuma saat kau menemaniku
Kini kutelah mula cuba mengerti
Bila kata-kata maaf terpatri

Jiwaku tlah hanyut terbuai
Saat kau tlah melangkah
Kuharap kau berhenti,
Kembali memeluk hatiku

Tiada cara mudah untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal
Jika ada,
Pasti segala akan kucuba
Ketika di saat ini
Segalanya telah berakhir
Sebuah cerita yang asing

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bieber Fever. NOT!

Ok just wanna share this funny video. It's a trailer of Justin Bieber Movie. LMFAO

and if u like this video, there's more funny video on this side, Contain original comedy videos from the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre's best improv, sketch and stand-up comedians. Find funny videos, podcasts, jokes, blogs and forums from the leading comedy community. Watch, Share, Upload.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Luahan Seni Stail dan Fesyen Lelaki

“Fashions fade, style is eternal” Yves St. Laurent.

Untuk satu jangka masa yang lama, dunia fesyen menjadi milik wanita. Lelaki yang berahi terhadap dunia fesyen mungkin akan dipandang sinis oleh kebanyakkan masyarakat. Jika fesyen adalah sebuah istana, maka wanitalah yang memegang tahta raja, permaisuri dan seluruh isi istana manakala lelaki terpinggir di pintu gerbang istana yang tersergam indah. Di dunia barat sendiri, wanita bebas memilih variasi corak, warna dan stail manakala lelaki harus akur dengan corak, warna dan stail yang telah ditetapkan oleh garis panduan tertentu yang kurang pasti datang dari mana.
Cara hidup semasa yang serba moden serba sebanyak sudah mula membuka ruang untuk kaum Adam meluahkan pelbagai ekspresi seni antaranya menerusi jangkauan fesyen. Terdapat pelbagai blog fesyen yang kini tertumpu kepada fesyen yang berkaitan dengan kehendak lelaki. Fesyen sebagai “Kelab hanya untuk wanita” sudah ketinggalan zaman apabila media sosial kini sudah bergerak pantas melebar sayap menyampaikan luahan fesyen dan stail kepada fesyenista berjantina lelaki di seluruh dunia. Terima kasih kepada dunia atas talian yang membenarkan sesiapa sahaja mengekpressikan diri masing-masing. Kini bahasa fesyen dan stail untuk lelaki semakin berkembang dalam ruang yang lebih luas. 
Di sini saya ingin berkongsi antara laman blog fesyen dan stail kontemporari untuk lelaki yang seronok dijadikan rujukan fesyen lelaki biasa seperti saya. Pada pandangan saya, kita tak perlu jadi pakar fesyen dan stail untuk bergaya, cuma kadangkala lelaki juga perlu ambil tahu sedikit sebanyak tentang dunia stail dan fesyen. Lagipun rasanya tak salah untuk menambah ilmu dan bahan bacaan diwaktu lapang. Beberapa laman blog ini sudah bertapak beberapa tahun manakala ada beberapa yang baru sahaja mula melangkah. Namun semuanya berdiskusi tentang fesyen dan khusus untuk lelaki agar kaum lelaki kini boleh berjalan seiring dalam perkembangan dunia fesyen dan stail dengan wanita.
Dimulakan dengan laman blog ‘The Fashionisto’ (, blog ini dikenali dengan fresh of the runway updates. Laman ini menghubungkan anda dengan fesyen dan stail terkini segar dari sumber yang terbaru. Dengan mengikuti rapat pereka, label, model dan penerbitan berkaitan stail dan fesyen, agak sukar untuk laman ini ketinggalan rentak berkaitan arus stail dan fesyen semasa.

Sebuah lagi laman blog fesyen yang boleh menjadi rujukan kaum lelaki adalah laman blog fesyen The Harry Rosen Blog  ( yang menyampaikan isu fesyen dan stail melalui persembahan video yang mudah difahami. Di Amerika Syarikat, jika disebutkan tentang fesyen lelaki, nama Harry Rosen pasti takkan tercicir dari minda mereka. Baru saja memperkemaskan blog mereka dibawah kelolaan James Chatto, blog ini banyak memaparkan gaya-gaya klasik dan ikonik berkaitan stail lelaki di samping masih mengekalkan sentuhan urban dan kontemporari.

Bagi yang mempunyai wang lebih (atau banyak) dan sering tertanya-tanya di manakah boleh mendapatkan item dari label-label terkemuka antarabangsa yang sering dapat dilihat melalui majalah-majalah fesyen, blog ‘Mr.Potter’ ( adalah jawapan terbaik. Di laman blog ini anda boleh terus membeli item-item label atau pereka fesyen terkenal. Selain itu, terdapat juga pelbagai tips dan temuramah bersama mereka yang berdiri di balik tabir dunia stail dan fesyen lelaki. 

Laman blog Coute Que Coute ( pula memaparkan artikel-artikel berkaitan fesyen lelaki, seni dan budaya pop secara rawak. Melalui blog ini, fesyen dan stail yang dekat dengan jiwa remaja dan budaya pop dipaparkan dengan ruang letak blog yang kemas. Pilihan stail cadangan yang diletakkan dalam blog ini sangat mengujakan bagi saya.

Melihat perkembangan fesyen dan stail untuk lelaki masa kini, saya perhatikan ramai remaja Malaysia khususnya lelaki sudah semakin berani bereksperimentasi dalam berfesyen. Namun, terdapat beberapa faktor yang saya rasa perlu ada sebagai panduan dalam berfesyen agar anda tidak digelar fashion victim. Seorang lelaki boleh mempunyai sebuah almari yang sarat dengan baju-baju berjenama, namun dengan kurang pengetahuan dalam menyatukan elemen berbeza seperti fabrik, warna dan corak, penampilan akan menjadi huru-hara atau istilah fesyen carca-marba akan muncul.  Kita perlu belajar suai padan beberapa elemen yang berbeza agar dapat tampil menarik tanpa kelihatan seperti badut.
Selain itu, lelaki biasanya selesa kekal pada palet warna yang lebih neutral  dengan menggangap yang mereka takkan menjadi mangsa fesyen dengan pilihan pakaian yang selalunya hanya hitam, putih, biru dan perang. Almari yang hanya penuh dengan warna-warna ini menunjukkan peribadi anda yang konservatif dan membosankan. Apa salahnya jika sekali-sekala anda beli baju berwarna hijau terang atau ungu. Maksud saya, bukanlah anda perlu jadi seperti pelangi, tapi cukup sekadar mencuba satu warna berlainan setiap kali membeli-belah. Dengan kata lain, keluar dari kepompong selesa anda.
Apabila zaman beredar, begitu juga fesyen, stail dan peraturan-peraturan di dalamnya. Syarat fesyen dan stail hari ini adalah lebih longgar berbanding dulu. Individu yang terlibat dalam fesyen kini lebih berani dalam menjadikan fesyen sebagai sebahagian medium ekspresi seni. Apa yang penting, bagaimana pun fesyen dan stail pilihan anda, jadilah diri sendiri. Jangan dengan penampilan menjengkelkan buat orang tersalah persepsi terhadap peribadi dan karisma sebenar anda.

*as published in EH! JUL 2012 in segmen Kata Lelaki.    

Monday, July 30, 2012


Assalamualaikum. Here we're again in this great month of Ramadhan. This is my favourite month of the year. This year means a lot to me. This is actually the first time ever I'm working in Ramadhan. So far it's been a blessing. Alhamdulillah. 8 months had passed and I'm still holding on to this job. I always complain about my current job, i come to realise that this job really give me lots of experience in my field. I still hate the part that I have to work on media and PR department but on the production side, I'm so happy. My creative juice had been squished and I love it, especially when my boss and colleague appreciate my work. Let's see how long more will I stay here. Yes, I've to consider on my financial part though. ;)

Last month, my writing came out in EH! magazine. When my friend invites me to write something about fashion and style, I really doubt myself. I'm not a fashion freak to be exact. But when he told me that I should write whatever I know, the writing cannot stop. I've done about 10 times of proof reading on my writing and the end result makes me smile. Maybe I'll post the article in my next post.

Alhamdulillah (again and again) my first ever idea will be translated to screen next month. 'Salji Untuk Mabel' is my little baby. Thanks to the multi talented Marini Mat Zain, the script for that telemovie have become reality. Marini wrote it as beatiful as I can imagine. I'm honoured to work with such a talented writer. Plus, Ixora Chern gonna play Mabel. Grinnnn!!! hihihi.

I'm still feel the bitterness because I just lost my grandma last month. Sometimes memories with her just come to my mind. But, I've to keep living happily cause I know she's gonna go to heaven. I love u Nenek Ton, eternal. Al-Fatihah.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Running Man

Today I want to share with you information regarding my newest obsession, a famous reality TV show in South Korea, Running Man. Seriously, this show is totally funny! Since I just watch it this month, I have to catch up the entire previous episode online (and thanks to my friend zaza for uploading it for me). This show really can be escapism for my stressful day at work. For those who haven’t heard about this

show, click here for more information.

The Cast

Yu Jae-suk

a.k.a Yu-ruce Willis (유르스 윌리스) Yu-hyuk (유혁) Yu-mes Bond (유임스 본드) Grasshopper (메뚜기)

This is my favorite character! The main host of the show and known during the race missions for his skill at running away. He is shown to have a closer relationship with a lot of the guests on the show, which he often boasts about to the other members. He is also often referenced to the color green throughout the show and is also known for his nickname, "Grasshopper" from his first television appearance. Although initially a weak player during the race missions, he later becomes one of the stronger players later in the series.


a.k.a Peaceful Gary (평온개리) Gae-colas Cage (개콜라스 케이지)

Introduced alongside Lee Kwang-su and Song Joong-ki as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. He is shown as the most gullible and is easily fooled by the other members. Throughout the series, he has been involved in the primary loveline of the show alongside Song Ji-hyo. Although shown to be quite clueless at times, he is shown to be quite strong during the race missions even managing to win both special race missions in order to find the best Running Man and winning a trip to Europe.


a.k.a Ha-roro (하로로) Ha-rad Pitt (하래드 피트)

The primary joker of the cast and is usually picked on by other members because of his height and his similar appearance to Pororo the Little Penguin. He also has a tendency to feel as though he is the main lead into a movie created by his imagination. When things don't go his way, he lashes out verbally, causing great laughter among the cast. He is also the playboy of the cast, as he always confesses his love to female guests. He was initially a weak player during the race missions, however he slowly improves over the course of the show.

Ji Suk Jin

Big Nose Older Brother (왕코형님) Sunflower (해바라기) Impala (임팔라)

Seriously, Big Nose Hyung can be really annoying sometimes! My least favourite character. The oldest member of the show and one of Yu Jae-suk's closest friends, knowing each other for more than 20 years. He is shown to be jealous of the good relationship between Yu Jae-suk and Kim Jong-kook. During the race missions, he is shown to be one of the weakest members and is the easiest and most frequently eliminated out of the cast.

Kim Jong-kook

Sparta-kook (스파르타국스) Commander (능력자) Kookie~♥^^ (꾹이~♥^^) Tiger (호랑이)

The strongest man on the show, Kim Jong-kook is known for his strength and skill during the race missions. During the missions, he is known for his sudden appearances and these are often accompanied by the soundbite "Sparta!" taken from the movie, 300. His smart tactics are often successful to eliminate the other members and as a result, he is known for having both brains and brawn. He is also shown at times to act cute and show off his "aegyo". His only apparent weakness is women and he is often teased for having a particular fondness towards Yoon Eun-hye

Lee Kwang-su

Framer Kwang-su (모함광수) Kwang-vatar (광바타) Kwang-potter (광포터) Giraffe (기린)

The youngest member of the cast and initially introduced alongside Gary and Song Joong-ki as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. During the earlier episodes he was known for framing his fellow members with embarassing and often absurd rumours. He is often picked on by the rest of the cast, particularly Kim Jong-kook, due to his similar appearance to the Na'vi species from Avatar. He is one of the weakest players during and is often one of the first to be eliminated during race missions. He is also known for his height, standing at 6 foot 4 tall.

Song Ji-hyo

Song Ji-yok (송지욕) Mong Ji-hyo (멍지효) Ace (에이스)

The only current female member of the show and initially only appeared as a guest but was added to the main cast in episode 6. During the earlier episodes, Song Ji-hyo was often known to swear during broacasts especially towards Ha-ha and Lee Kwang-su. She is also known to be often seen with confused or blank facial expressions a lot of the time. Throughout the series, she has been involved in the primary loveline of the show alongside Gary. She is one of the strongest players during race missions with similar running and catching capabilities as well as comparable intelligence to Kim Jong-kook.

Song Joong-ki

Flower Joong-ki (꽃중기) Brain Joong-ki (브레인 중기) Active Young Man (적극청년)

Introduced alongside Gary and Lee Kwang-su as one of the "variety rookies" due to his lack of experience on variety shows prior to Running Man. He is shown as being the smartest and also having the best looks out of the cast. He is known for being able to figure out puzzles and strategize during the race missions. He is also shown to be very optimistic and is often seen attempting new things but ultimately failing. As of episode 41, he has left the main cast to focus on his acting career. However, he reappeared in episode 66 as a guest which caught the other members by surprise and also in episode 71 in a short cameo as part of his promotion for the drama, Deep Rooted Tree.

Monday, April 16, 2012

job hunting again

It’s been a while since my last post. Just want to let it all out here. I’ve been working for five month now in this company. And I can’t stand to work here anymore. I’m so stress right now! Sigh. I kept telling myself that I can do this job. My boss and colleague kept telling me that I’m good at my job. But deep in my heart, I know I’m not happy or even satisfied. Sometimes, my mind kept telling me, “yes ared, you can do it!” but my body always said the opposite. I kept on getting sick since the last few months. It’s like my body and soul are not happy. So what to do? Let’s start job hunting. Again. L

Friday, March 16, 2012

Ku mohon jangan kau pergi

We're in Love by T-ara and Davichi is one of my current fav song. Lets sing this song in Bahasa Malaysia! ;) weeee

First, listen to this song and learn the melody.

Then, using this Bahasa Malaysia lyrics below, try and sing it with the piano version.

Cinta sedang bersemi, Kau buat kutangisi
Bagiku cinta tiada ganti
Di hati kau kuasai, di jiwa kau takhluki
Ku mohon jangan kau pergi

Kau terangi jiwaku, kau bawakan cahaya
Kau sinari kegelapan,
Hari berlalu, ganti waktu
Kau berpaling dariku
Biarku memujuk merayu

ulang C/O


ulang C/O

izinkan kumemujuk, izinkanku merayu
bagiku cinta hanya kamu
dihati dambakanmu, dijiwa perlukanmu
jangan kau pergi dari ku

Ku mohon jangan kau pergi

pensil dan pemadam

Pensel: Saya minta maaf.

Pemadam: Untuk apa? Awak tak buat salah pun dengan saya.

Pensel: Saya minta maaf, disebabkan saya awak cedera. Setiap kali saya buat silap, awak pasti ada untuk membetulkan kesilapan. Tapi setiap kali awak memadamkan kesilapan saya, awak kehilangan sebahagian kecil dari diri awak. Awak menjadi semakin kecil.

Pemadam: Takpe, saya tak kisah, Saya memang dijadikan untuk tujuan itu. Walaupun saya tahu satu hari nanti saya akan terus lenyap, saya bangga dengan kerja saya ni. Jadi janganlah awak risau sebab saya tak suka tengok awak bersedih.

Pengajaran: Ibu bapa bagaikan pemadam dalam cerita di atas dan kita ibaratkan pensel. mereka sentiasa di sisi kita, membetulkan kesilapan. Hargai mereka dengan sepenuh jiwa.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stress and Demotivated

Its been 4 month now, working at this company as Executive Creative Development and Communications. Seriously, I felt a little bit demotivated due to several reasons. Sometimes the stress is so high, I feel that I can't bare with anymore. Work! If it is not stressful, it's not WORK. Really? Sigh.

Here a video of a cute bear doing KungFu. Ok, I release my stress by watching youtube video now. hahaha.

Other than playing Sims Social, the way to let out my ngantuk-ness is to translate Korean songs into Bahasa Malaysia. Just translate 'Cry Cry' by T-ara and 'We're in Love' by T-ara & Davichi. I'll post it next week. Ciao! Aaaarghhh!

Monday, January 30, 2012

shining star

Ixora Chern isn’t only the girl next door but an upcoming star in the Malaysia’s entertainment industry. This beauty with a brain is a great violinist and geared to showcase her unearth versatile talents in acting, TV presenting and emceeing. Ixora who grew up in Kuala Lumpur is equipped with a Bachelor Degree in Communications Studies and Economics from Chapman University, Los Angeles, USA. And currently, she is pursuing her Master Degree in Business Management at the Help University, KL.

An exclusive talent of Aquila Emas, the talent marketing and development consultancy in Malaysia, Ixora aspire to conquer the entertainment world when she got her first break as a violinist in a Dumex commercial at the age of 16. Since then, Ixora has been featured in several commercials such as Olay White Radiance, Sunsilk and Munchys. Upon returning home from the USA, she has had decided to pursue her childhood passion by becoming a professional talent as a career in Malaysia. Starting her acting career by starring in a TV series ‘Gadis Kosmo’, Ixora move a step forward when she is chosen to star in the latest nation’s historic feature film ‘Tanda Putera’ which has been directed by a prolific director, Datuk Paduka Shuhaimi Baba. Besides that, Ixora also had performed in the feature film entitled Hooray Hooray, Hooperz and Like Sunshine after the Rain.

Not only stunning and bright, Ixora also proved that other than acting, she is a valiant girl when she became a TV host for a very popular paranormal reality show, Seekers (season 8, currently is aired weekly on NTV7 on every Thursday at 8.30pm). She has encountered numerous paranormal activities during the filming process. And remarkably she managed to accomplish her task as a TV host with her strong will, dedication and enthusiasm. Recently she starred in a TV series ‘Puisi Cinta Rubiah’ for RTM and directed by Meor Hashim Manap and scheduled to host a TV programme entitled ‘Sejarawan Muda’ in February for RTM. Undeniable, Ixora is a shimmering gem of the local entertainment industry and ready to spread her wings and soars high without any uncertainty. Follow her on twitter, she's so charming! @ixora_chern

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Siti Nurhaliza on History Channel.

I am such a big fan of Siti Nurhaliza since I was 14. I can say that I know everything about Siti. She played a big part in my life. Her songs colours my days when I grow up. Such an inspiration!

Monday, January 16, 2012


Last Sunday morning, my friend Airien invite me and the ZAZAs to join her beautiful garden party at Taman Jaya. I'm so proud of Airien on her effort and courage to establish her part time buisiness. Oh Wow, Lovely! business includes DIY products such as headbands, tote bags, wedding favors and keepsakes project, wedding (guest booth/dessert table) decoration project, kids theme birthday party planner project and bridal shower decoration and goodies. For more information regarding the product range please contact Airien at her blog ( The stuff are gorjes!

ayu & zaza having fun

the ZAZAs

and party orginizer, airien aka Miss Ririen.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Emerald Atlas and four more books to read.

I know I am busy when I don’t have any time to read books anymore. Nowadays it took me about 2 month to finish a book. Just finished a great boot called Emerald Atlas by John Stephens. This is the kind of book that will have the reader glued to its pages until the stirring ending. I would equate this book to The Golden Compass, though easier to understand, and also Harry Potter. John Stephens previously a television writer, really knows how to keeps his reader attention. I saw this book at a book shop, read the first 3 pages and immediately I realized I really want to know the whole story.

The story is about the love of family, faith, and magic. The three main characters are siblings who have been taken from their parents ten years ago, forced to grow up in one orphanage after another, until finally ending up in an old mansion owned by a mysterious old man. Before they meet the old man, the children explore the house until they come upon a door that magically appears, leading fourteen Kate, and her twelve year old brother Michael, along with feisty eleven year old Emma, into a laboratory of sorts. There they
find a mysterious green leather book with filled with blank pages. When Michael, who records their lives in his journal, drops a picture onto one of the blank pages, the children are transported through time, finding themselves watching in horror as a beautiful witch threatens to drop a child into a lake.

I loved the back-story of how magic left the land, along with some real history thrown in for good measure. Stephens does a great job of adding depth to the story and for making believable and unforgettable characters. Set in modern times yet full of magic, the Emerald Atlas is non-stop action with lessons of loyalty, love and the importance of family woven masterfully into a tale that kids of all ages will find hard to put down. Like Harry Potter, the Emerald Atlas can be read by children and adults alike. Stephens' trilogy starts off with such promise. I will be eagerly awaiting book two. I hope he writes quickly.

I just bought 4 new books this week and hopefully I can finish reading all the books as soon as possible. These were the four books that I bought:

Delicacy by David Foenkinos

This book is originally written in French with the title La delicatesse. I found this book at Borders, read the synopsis at the back and intrigue to read further. So far it is good.

Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks

It’s been a long time since I read Sparks novel. My favourite book Sparks is The Guardian and The last Song. So I hope this book will give the same feeling like his other books.

I Miss Mummy by Cathy Glass

I am the big fan of Cathy Glass! I can read her book in 2-3 days! It’s really hard to put down her book. That’s the reason I purchased this book. To me, all of her books are must buy/read item!

One Day by David Nicholls

I read lots of bad review of this movie. I haven’t watched it yet. Then I found this book at Borders, so before actually watch the movie starring Anne Hathaway, I want to read the book first then watch the movie and judge.